So, here I am at CC&K, I’ve just paid for a subscription to their wireless internet, which although not insanely cheap is certainly not an unacceptable expense, and gives me more of an excuse to hang out here, although my laptop weighs a bloody ton.
Even more if I had two batteries… like I ordered… I suppose I didn’t specify that I wanted two batteries in working order. Feh. Hopefully the guy will be quick about replacing them, ‘cos I wanted to take them to CANADA! I’m also sourcing a 12volt adaptor for the laptop. So hopefully it should be working for the flight :-)
Well, yes, here I am.
I just discovered that my friend Nikki wasn’t joking when she said I had a double. Not joking at all. it’s really freaky to look at someone else and see they’ve got your face. It’s really, really unbelieveably weird. Seriously, it’s left a dent in my brain where it’s hit and gone ‘hey, this person has your face’; and it’s fair to say that, ‘cos she’s ten years younger, more or less.
It was mine first :-)
Oh dear god it’s weird.
Anyway, so,
House: Continuing. Still not sure if I’ll be in before Canada.
Job: Good start, rough second day, but I didn’t kill anyone, which is important as a Nurse. If you kill people you’re going about it all wrong.
Car: Very unhappy. Alternator tensioner has broken. Fan belt completely nadgered. New fanbelt obtained, but I need a tensioner before I do it.
New ‘flat’: Yeah, I don’t play well with others.
So, that’s really my life summed up in a few lines, it was going to be a big long post, but I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time buying a laptop adaptor and e-mailing people, and catching up with people online. So, yeah, I’m going to probably have to head off soon…