Oh for fucks sake

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My PC. Still dead. Still random crashes. Potential components on my hit list – the graphics card and the DVD Drive.

In favour of the DVD Drive – Ubuntu won’t install or run from the disk in that drive. The disk works in the other drive. Windows crashes horribly in that drive and my convenient ready set up DVD from which I install Windows normally (I’ve packed all my other disks, because I’m an idiot) crashed horribly mid install – using that drive. Ubuntu reports errors when that drive is connected. If the drive was passing duff data around like santa giving out prezzies, then it could have screwed up drivers during the original and all subsequent installs. It would also explain the failure of my housemates XP disk to work.

In favour of the graphics card being at fault – the double reboots – of which I’ve not seen one for a while, but which occur after the graphics splash and before the IDE system starts scanning the bus. Or sometimes after. The crashes have been noted to be linked to me using the nVidia graphics drivers, sometimes, but then sometimes not. During the last install the machine crashed with huge graphical insanity.

I’ve now been without my main PC for a month and I am JONESING FOR MY PC. The screen on the laptop is getting increasingly flakey indicating a need for disassembly and reseating of components – and the back of it needs reparing anyway. But it’s not that. It’s being without my data, without my music (well, I can listen on CD, but I get bored of CD-swapping and finding). I miss my other music that’s not on CD. I miss being able to pull out random amusing videos, and there’s websites I can’t remember the name of who are stored on my fave’s list. I WANT MY PC BACK.

What is more frustrating is that even though the desire is there to spend money I don’t have on something I can’t afford because it’s driving me nuts I can’t *do* it because I’m waiting for a package to be delivered – which I have no idea what it is, nor when it’s coming.

I still have a shiny good mood on, I’m just annoyed too.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.