First day blues

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So, today’s the first day on my own again; I know I got used to it when Lauren was working away from home, and I’ve actually been tentatively looking forward to it; having a place of my own; but the first ‘chunk’ of time is always a bit hard.

Especially since I spent last night (at work) reading Tipping the Velvet, and decided I wanted to see how they handled it in the TV series (since I’ve got the DVD but had never seen past the first episode for reasons which I can’t be bothered to go in to now).

It appears that either my DVD PC didn’t like the Hackers DVD, or was just having an off day, ‘cos it played fine with the Tipping the Velvet disk. Of course, the problem with that is that it does make me feel very single; again. That and reading of last night. I dunno. I feel very on my own today. I can’t go out ‘cos someone’s meant to be coming from Freecycle to collect something – although there’s 100% absence of ringing, and they were meant to ring in the afternoon. Is 5pm afternoon? I’d call it evening. Bah.

Some days I’m tempted to just throw stuff in the bin because dealing with people who can’t be bothereed to ring to say they’re not coming. In this case I won’t, because I happen to rather like my MacSE – I just haven’t used it for 4 years. In fact, once I got it working that was pretty much me done. It’s cute though. And it still goes ‘PLUNG!” and displays a happy mac. Complains about a missing co-processor tho’

‘sucse me while I backpedal furiously. They just rang. Still not bloody afternoon though :-P

Oooh, look who’s tired and cranky.

I dunno. My head’s all weird today, I think I’ve watched and read vastly too much Tipping the Velvet, and that combined with my tired brain and my new found singularity, well, it’s combined to make me a bit… off balance. That and the start of my new job. And so on.

Tomorrow I need to send of lots of forms and probably head into Bristol and see about getting a Mortgage. Geeze. That’s fracking terrifying. Then tuesday I can head to the big smoke and see about finding a house. I found out though that I had the wrong base site. It didn’t say on the e-mail offer, but it turns out I’ll actually be at the other base site. Which potentially changes, slightly, my living plans.

Although, again, a quick look at property prices reminds me how stupidly and depressingly insane they are. Bah.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.