In other news, I’m very tired. Brazil has arrived on DVD and looks lush, as has Saving Grace. As has my Ladytron Album (Witching Hour, on 180gm vinyl with a remix disk. Can you say ‘happy bunny’?).
I slept like a log yesterday, but today. Today was less good. Woken by noisy people outside, the postman and a phonecall, I gave up at 1400. Which is bad, that’s 5 hours sleep after a 11 hour shift. And the drive home was a killer this morning, traffic was frequently stationary for long periods – and it took over an hour and a half to get home.
And I can’t use my Wireless card yet due to a fuckup with disk selection (Lauren’s accidentally left the key on a linux floppy disk which neither of my PCs will look at).
I think I may go lay on my bed s’more.