So, I rang BSA Regal and ordered the bits for my bikes; on the basis that I’d rather know that the Charlie’s brake calliper is fixed (and the iffy master cylinder is okay) rather than leave dodgy brake bits in a box where they can shock me later. Fracknuts, I should have got some brakepads too. Although, that said, the ones on Charlie aren’t that worn and could be slapped onto Cherry. Yes. Hrm. We’ll ignore that problem for now.
That’s 50 quid spent, 30 on Cherry and 20 on Charlie. Not too bad really. Just hope it all works, although given the ultimate bizarreness of the weather recently motorbikes look less fun, especially since my gear is about as waterproof as a paper bag, it’s all up for renewal when I get paid, but hey.
I also rang the govt. dept that’s been failing to sort out paperwork for me; they’ve extended the deadline again, but are getting a bit difficult about extending it. Given that it’s *their* fault that the paperwork wasn’t sent to the NHS in the first place; well; it feels a bit pot-kettle-black for them to say that the NHS is taking too long. Yes, it is, but if they’d’ve sent it when they said they had, then this’d’ve been sorted by now. I can’t ring the NHS again, not yet anyhow.
I’m trying to get the nerve together to ring the hospital I want to work at. It’s scary. I’ve half filled in their application form, I just want to have a chat with them about the jobs, and so on. I hate selling myself, I’m not good at it. Yesterday I managed to pay the house money bankers draft back into my account, and the money I withdrew from my credit card (yeah, I know) back into that (which was to pay auction fees).
It is again scary. I think moving up to B’ham or M’chester will be a good thing. It’ll save me money, it’s like a dry run for Canada – new place, new people, all that crap. Well, b’hams not a new place (it is, in a way, it’s changed so much since I was there). I just like having certainty in my future; and that ain’t what’s there at the moment. I should get on, I’ve got my dissertation to write too.