So, I’m most of the way through section 2 of chapter 3 (“Where prejudicial experiences have occured, how do they affect the individual patient”) – although it’s one that I could write lots more on, actually. But I’ve written enough, I’ll probably tack on a summary paragraph for that section and then set to on re-reading the papers (the n’th time) to answer the final questionĂ‚Â (“What improvements are suggested by the literature to enhance nurses abilities to appropriately support and care for patients”).
In other news I picked up some dubiously cheap DVD-R’s yesterday, which means that I can now send disks to Rachel in ‘merkia, bringing the actual sending of her letter a step closer, and I spent an age attempting to beat a creative idea out of my head which is something to send to Trey. I didn’t succeed. My uni flatmates’ll remember the ‘after midnight rule’ – essentially: Don’t suggest anything to Kate after midnight, because if it’s a creative / bizzare thing, it’ll happen. Unfortunately, the idea hit me as I went to bed… at 23:53, and by the time midnight rolled round it was firmly embedded in my brain. Hell, I nearly had to get up there and then to do it. Feh. Anyway, it’ll give me something to do when I need a break…
Damn my stress == creative streak.
I also, last night, had a rocking chat with a friend who’s in the middle of writing; and she actually found a use for my biochemistry ‘knowledge’; it’s probably a bit out of date, but close enough for the story. I’m dead pleased, it felt really good to be able to provide some information – however rough and ready it’d be. I’m glad I kept one of my Biochem books now (the rest have been freecycled).
In addition to writing section 3.2, I also threw together the Arrogant Worms Teeshirt Nikki and I’d planned to make; because my transfers are 10 years old and ‘knackered’ I didn’t want to waste a good teeshirt, but one of my tops recently developed a small stain (I’ve no idea what from) which nothing would remove. It’s conveniently covered by the letter ‘A’ in “Britain’s”:
And, as I was feeling productive I also installed TomTom 3 onto the iPaq again – and installed the map onto my 64 Meg flash card; of course what I found out (and hadn’t previously realised) was that a 64Meg flashcard, like everything else in computing, is missold. It’s not 64 Meg at all. 62 exciting meg of space is yours for the price of 64, which means that the 64 Meg map won’t fit on the card *sigh*. So I’ve got the 32 Meg map though, which is better’n last time when I had the 16 Meg teeny-map. I shall however purchase a ‘huge-ass’ CF card at some point, thus enabling music and map storage. I’m glad that I went for the single slot expansion in the end, because it’s fracking huge. It’s like a brick of doom. Never mind – it’s also got good battery life now.
Finally I watched Dr Who; which rocked my little world. It, as Chrissy said, felt like a real Dr Who epsiode, and Maureen Lipman is freaky when she’s scary. The BBC are doing evil things to my childhood memories, first the Testcard in Life on Mars, now Maureen Lipman being evil. It’s not right.
So that was my yesterday, how was yours?
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