Buzzing thing of slicey slicey grassy doom and Ill cows.

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So, I’ve a bit of a reputation for being able to find music; that and knowing every song ever – according to Trey (blatantly untrue; I do know quite a lot of recent stuff though, and if you put on a song that’s charted in Britain since about 1960something I’ll quite possibly know some of the lyrics, I will have to actually *hear* it though).

Anyway; as a result of this I will find music. If people are on the hunt for music I can find it, if I so choose to set myself the task, about 90% of the time. Possibly more. I’m not proud of this; just persistant. Anyway, Kaisa wanted Maria Mena’s “Apparently Unaffected” album which she couldn’t get hold of over in AK (at least, not easily) – and I found it. Being me, I nabbed a copy for myself too (I can’t help it, I love music) – and you know what, it’s excellent. I feel like I’ve been let in on some huge secret; I’d no idea this woman even existed and suddenly I’ve got this fantastic CD.

She’s got a really damn good voice. So. Yes. I hope that the CD I sent via TreyMail to Alaska makes it to Kaisa okay – after the debacle of Trey’s flights… I hope that her stuff is okay too, obviously! That’s more important than a dinky CD which I can send a copy of at worst; but still I hope it’s made it, because she’s been trying to get it for a while; and I really like it… and it’d be someone to talk to about it!

Other excitement today – I managed to hack the grass back down to such a level as to make it possible to use the Lawn Mower next time. It wasn’t actually *too* bad; but definately too long to attack with the Flymo – only – the flymo is devoid of blades, so I need to go get some of them too. Cleaned the kitchen floor (at last); the back room floor (mostly); the bathroom; went swimming (god it felt good to be back in the water); Trawled B&Q (they’re suprisingly expensive compared to… other places); knocked up a very quick dinner; chilled out for a bit with Nikki and Cake… I mean Kate…and Cake; and yeah. It’s generally been a really nice day. And suddenly I am overcome with tiredness, so I think I’ll take my little old self to bed….


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.