Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Okay, I skipped track one because the lyrics – well, I don’t know them, and it’s samples played backwards. I then had to skip the second track because it’s a mashup – and I can’t figure out the words.
So, uh.
1) shakedown 1979, cool kids never have the time
2) [title of track][name of group] This demonstration will feature music in many different styles
3) A mans life got took away in the city today, they say
4) We were sitting round a dying fire
5) Take me tenderley, If you could salivate I would appreciate that
6) They don’t eat
7) N-n-n-n-n-Nineteen
8) He’s walking where I’m afraid I don’t know
9) Enrapture – Final Temptation – No lyrics… So Next number 9…
9b)You say that it’s over baby, lord
11) If I could turn you on
12) Hello Mother
13) [song title], acintya bheda bheda [song title]
14) Oh I could hide, ‘neath the wings
15) One Two, Boys By the River
16) Anol shalom
17) Through early morning fog I see
18) Heaven bent to take my hand
19) Mr Airplane Man – Up in the Room – (Unable to find lyrics)
19b) Hello darkness my old friend
20) Watching the people get lairy
Okay, now that’s a fracking impossible list…
Well, 20 could only be the Kaiser Chiefs (“I Predict a Riot”). And 7 really has to be “Nineteen” by whoever it was, somewhere way back in my childhood.
19b would be Simon and Garfunkel (“The Sound of Silence”). Sorry, I cheated on that by accident – I thought it was the Carpenters, then looked up the later lyrics and discovered I was wrong.
9 deserves to be in the list because it’s cool; you can always make up your own lyrics. :)
And that’s about my limit.
As an extra, funniest T-shirt from the last fortnight was worn by a very large, fat man. Slogan: “I predict a diet.”
Cracked me up anyway.
Yep and Yep.
Some of the answers have been got here (on my LJ)….