Eth eth eth eth eth eth eth Chris Waddle.

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I’ve been watching too much fast show, I fear.

Yesterday my plans to do work were foiled by… well… my own stupidity. When I changed the points I didn’t noticed a subtle (not so subtle) difference between the Mog ones and the Ital ones. The ital ones have a small plastic locating notch which has to go over a pin. I noticed yesterday morning a slight hesitancy which, by the end of the day had become such a hideous misfire that going anywhere was pretty painful.

After pratting about for 30 minutes in my nice posh jeans I decided to call John, eat lunch and reattack. After a bit of prodding we discovered this bit of plastic and it’s misplacement. Correcting this enabled a fully functional ignition system to be returned. At the same time I readjusted the idle and the mixture… So now she’s hopefully running a bit less rich.

Today we went down to Marcruss Stores in the centre of Brizzy to get police uniforms costumes; in the end all I got was a hat and a little scarfy thing – but it does make me look roughly like a police woman. I do need a proper white shirt – I check the effect with the only plain white shirt I’ve got (it’s a dinner shirt, part of a dinner jacket I’ve got for the purpose of having it recut). It definately will work – although it needs a bit of a wash :-)

I also need a new black skirt – my old one, well, I’m not a size 10/12 anymore – and it is. It does fit. Just. Either that or if I manage to lose a stone (unlikely).

I also changed the battery in my iPaq which is now sat charging away. I didn’t realise the original was only 1000mAh; the new one’s 2250, so… hopefully that should be a bit better. Changing the battery in the 36 series iPaq. Ridiculously easy.

Anyway, I should get on.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.