Today is the last day for 100,000 miles that my blue mog will display entirely binary numbers on the mileometer. Having a mileometer which only goes to 99,999.9 miles means that she rolled over 100,000 and I had the pleasure of driving my instantly low milage car for a while.
Since then I’ve periodically been entertained by having binary mileages… 001001 and so on, ooh and the palendromic 100001. I have a thing for numbers anyway, and so yeah, entertained by them. But today we passed 111111 miles. I thought about stopping for a photo, but fortunately I was on the motorway and couldn’t.
I did however take some pics of a very dirty Rebecca. Mostly because I got home and was astounded at how filthy she was, she’s dirty enough that I wiped off the headlamps before coming home from Nikki and Kate’s because they were pretty much opaque with road-salt. You can’t see through the windscreen where the 1980 tax-disk is because it’s so dirty. In fact, I think you might only be able to see the bottom half of ‘Save Bristol North Pool’.

So, yeah. That’s my poor baby. She’s going to get cleaned this week, I promise.
Of course, this inspired me to do another of my getting-very-samey-but-I’m-still-well-enamoured-with-the-look photos:

I promise, I’ll stop doing them soon. Look, here’s me stopping doing them:

See, I can do full colour photos.
Anyway, yeah, that last one was shot in Newbury, ‘cos I went home for the weekend – saw my mum; she’s still struggling to deal with my dad’s death, but even if she can’t see the improvement in her I can. She’s still sick though, and for all her impish new-short-hair’d looking-way-younger thing, she’s sick. The many and varied illnesses she’s had since my dad’s death are a constant reminder to me of how frail and tired she is.
Looking after my dad for 5 years has exhausted her – and she just seems to get one illness after another.
Still, despite the depressing rehashes of my dad’s death I enjoyed seeing her, spent a lot of time talking, arguing (in the way we do), talking about Canada, talking about other things, I practiced the piano a bit…. and my mum bought an MP3 player. That, there, it’s totally wrong see. I had to explain RDS and MP3 to my mum (“So, what is MP3 then?”)… She already had some MP3 disks, Amaravati do MP3 disks of the talks; and the DVD player my dad bought for the lounge plays MP3s, but we had to go and get one for the kitchen (not least because the kitchen radio, a freebee from years ago, drifts out of tune).
I was just so shocked when my mum announced that we needed to go and get her an MP3 playing, digital tuning (not DAB, because my mum’s in one of those unimportant bits of the UK unserved by both Digital Terrestrial TV and DAB radio…) kitchen radio.
Still, found her something.
Of course, while I was there I found out there’s been another source of stress – some git driving a lorry did this:

It’s just… ARGH! I mean, you’d think that having destroyed someone’s wall, they’d have at least some degree of honesty, but no, they’ve destroyed my mum’s garden wall and fucked off, leaving the bricks in the road. Fortunately one of the neighbours cleared the road (‘cos my mum couldn’t have done that). Hopefully it’s covered on the house insurance, but still… people… meh.
In other news, I’m about 1/3rd of the way through Kushiel’s Chosen, and it’s fantastic.
Oh, and in other other news I’ve made a decision about Canada. I’m extending my places that are acceptable back to include Toronto. Why? Because I spent a long time discussing it with my mum, and the thing which occured is, I want to work in the Emergency Dept. I do not want to do ward work. Hopefully I’ll have a year’s ED experience, but I will go wherever I can get a job… At least, that’s what I think now. Of course this then opens up the ‘where do I visit?!’ question. Well, hopefully I can afford to visit one – and then fly to the other and see both? It’s cheaper to fly to Toronto anyway; so erm. Yes. It all depends on the all important cashflow.
Anyway, I guess I should head to bed.