I am still exhausted. Although I did virtually sod-all yesterday, today I went swimming and my aching back and muscles complained bitterly, especially at Filton’s cool pool water. I fought my way up and down doing lengths, each time not certain that I would be able to make the end (and that I might have to dash to the side and rest).
But it felt good.
What feels less good is sitting here contemplating the Maternity EU pack; again. Or the endless stream of incoming work. I am so tired. All I want to do is sleep.
We watched an episode of Firefly last night; the first episode; it *rocked*. I was, it must be said, frustrated when Dark Angel got cancelled, and they should have kept both on, actually… and to know that they canned firefly too; bah. But anyway, I’ve got a whole season of that to watch :)
Still want to sleep though.