Night and Day

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Lord it’s tiring these nights/days.

And to be honest my last night of nights sucked. Sucked and was truly crappy.

For the first time in a long time since I started this course I felt like a complete dogsbody. I’d get given crap half-arsed jobs to do; and then I’d go and find that someone hadn’t signed x, or that job y hadn’t actually been finished. And I’m the one standing there looking like a fucking lemon. I obviously can’t really go into details about it, but I was so fed up.

I just hope I never have to work with that particular person again. My mentor was clearly really fucked off as well; the most frustrating bit for me was doing the beginning work on a patient, thinking ‘hrm, maybe they are actually quite unwell’ going to check with the trained nurse, and him taking over the care immediately; rather than saying “yes, she needs to be seen soon”. I’m just really annoyed. It’s not like he *did* anything else, apart from get me to do fucking ECGs, then I’d show them to the doctor only to find as I walked up there that he’d not done baseline obs, or anything at all… Nyargh.

Anyway, so that and him not even accepting that I could do a fucking Blood Glucose by myself. He actually got the fucking doctor to confirm that I’d done it. Fucking git.

Anyway; in other news we spent yesterday particularly fruitfully which is pretty impressive given that I spent an entire 5 hours asleep after my 10 hour fucking awful shift. I sorted out the coil on my car, although I was a bit slow to get going (and yes, guess what, the new part didn’t match the old one – indeed the new one had the wrong size mounting holes. ‘ray for modern parts).

Yeah, so we went out to the beach for the day :-)

Shots of Weston Super Mare

Shots of Weston Super Mare

Shots of Weston Super Mare

Shots of Weston Super Mare

Shots of Weston Super Mare

Very fruitful.

I need to go and finish putting the stuff together for Pride… Bleh. So tired…. It’s so hard after doing nights to swing yourself back to the day time. Lordy. So. Yeah. Wakey wakey Kate….


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.