Today’s been a bit of a day not in so far as being bad, just being generally a bit challenging. I’ve also still got lots to do for pride; so I’m a bit, well, ansy.
I think this time I’ve actually got the exhaust in the right position; the only problem is that in my enthusiastic tightening (read: desparate tightening to try and stop it coming off again) I stripped….another nut. Still I’ve got a spare bolt and nut, so it’s just a changeover job.
But then… then I needed to buy petrol; so I’m already late, I get to the garage which has barriers across the entrance a big sign saying “Sorry, Tills down”. Argh! So, I pile on round (and at some velocity) onto the ring road; whereupon a very shiny mercades attempts to drive through me. Now, I very rarely actually get verbal, or even actually pissed off, but this person only avoided a collision because I saw what he was doing and moved from the centre of the lane to the filtering between lanes position thus avoiding an actual Kate-splatted-on-road situation (which I’d regard as ‘bad’).
So, I queried what he was doing (I believe something along the lines of “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?! ARE YOU BLIND?!”, so polite and calm…) to which he said… and I quote….
“I had my indicators on”.
Yes, you’re entitled to do whatever you want as long as you’ve got your indicators on, clearly from the same school as the people who park diagonally across the centre lane of the motorway but it’s okay, because they’ve got their hazard lights on…
…having absorbed this piece of logic I debated removing the nearside wingmirror, since he clearly didn’t need it, but then decided to simply and gently explain the purpose of the mysterious shiny bits of glass attached to his car (I believe I said “YOU’RE MEANT TO USE YOUR FUCKING MIRRORS TOO YOU BLOODY MORON” or similar words, again, polite but firm) before filtering to the front of the queue and fucking-the-hell-off…
I shouldn’t have done that, any of it, but for once it felt good to vent. At any rate, having got to uni it turned out not to be really worth the hastle…
…but I came home and managed to get the side window blanking panels finished (woot, go me); this involved cutting out the most complex possible fricking shape in the universe as a template; and that’s not all. I’ve also edited the Pride playlist, adding in the adverts, sticking jingles in the right places. I’ve also produce the one-huge-wave-file version; I’ve edited all the gaps out of it, and now I’m normalising it (I hope and pray nothing goes wrong in the next couple of hours, ‘cos there’s not enough space to save it….). Once that’s done it’s just making it into an MP3 and copying it onto the laptop… and hoping that the doojit… power doojit… uh, inverter, that I couldn’t afford, but bought for Pride anyway, arrives in time.
Anyway, dinney time, then upload stuff for Trey (need to work out which videos, and I daren’t do video playing while the machine is struggling. Try editing a 2.2Gb file on a machine with 300Meg of Ram running Win2k….).