It just feels right….

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I am tired this afternoon; well; to be fair I’m tired because I overslept to make up for working two really tough early shifts and then staying up too late last night. As usual; I didn’t drink anything while I was in bed dozing; and thus woke up with a headache. But it didn’t matter.

I’ve got work to do; but I’m not exactly stressed about it.

I’m tired, actually, because I slept for too long. I should have got up at like 8am; when my alarm went off; instead of going “ooh, I’m tired, I’ll stay here longer”; which is what I did. And then fell asleep until about 10:45. Merp.

But it all doesn’t matter.

Because I’ve got a girlfriends. And she’s gorgeous; and yummy; and cute; and I know, I know, I said I wasn’t going to go out with anyone before I finished my degree. But. Well. I changed my mind, okay?

It was funny, ‘cos I was joking about going out with her prior to even meeting her; I’d seen a picture of her in her LJ and thought she looked cute; and the introducing friends said she was nice….and sane… So I laughed and joked about it; never thinking that she’d be interested in me, or that I’d actually fall for her as soon as I met her.

But I did.

And when I came back after work on the day she left… and they’d left while I was at work… I was really upset. I thought I’d missed my chance. I didn’t think she was interested. But she was and we talked and….. I am so lucky. And it just *feels* right.

It just does. And I’m feeling warm and fuzzy :-)

I think I’ve now consumed about 2 pints of water and am starting to feel better. Thing is; while I was at work yesterday I drank… go on…. guess…. nothing. Nothing at all for the entire shift. So it’s no wonder i’m a bit headachey and and generally grotty.

The only cloud in my sky at the moment is the imminent loss-of-house; and the lack of progress we’ve made looking for somewhere to live. The idea that we’ll lose this house in 6 weeks is actually quite scary. We’ve not actually even looked at anywhere yet; but then there’s been sweet fa in the property listings…. Which is a bit worrying. Still; I guess tomorrow maybe I should go fetch listings from the local agents.


Kate's a human mostly built out of spite and overcoming transphobia-racism-and-other-bullshit. Although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, it's all good.