I have a Stress Related Disorder. It doesn’t really stop me functioning; but it does make my life distinctly less pleasant. Generally, I feel sick most of the time, and like I’m going to vomit. I tend to spend an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom; lose a lot of weight; and generally hate my very existance.
It appears that it’s made a comeback. I would like this, provisionally, to:
– My dad’s illness, first and foremost.
– My monetary situation.
– My degree.
– My housing situation.
– My lack of a partner.
I’ve never been particularly good at dealing with any of the above, (well, my dad’s illness I’ve not really dealt with, until now; my money I tend to just ignore until I can’t; I hate being a student, it makes me miserable; we’ve got to move and I hate being single) – and currently they’ve all decided to pile on the pressure at the moment.
It’s a case of just knuckling down (or knickling, which is what I typed first) and getting on with it. Hopefully I’ll feel less like I’ve been out on the piss all day tomorrow.