Coffee helps. So much for cutting down my caffine intake. I’ve got one ‘section’ more to write – the essay is now offically “long enough”, but if I can write say, 400 more words, then it’s just nicely over the word requirement, perhaps enough to make up for the complete lack of answering the question.
You know when you realise that you’ve
a: not answered the question
b: not done research which would answer the question well
c: not asked the right questions of the people you’ve spoken to
Well, that’s what I’ve done. I went off at a tangent when I was doing my essay research….without realising. And it’s left me in the entertaining situation that most of my research, although interesting (did you know that in America, ethnic minorities with diabetes have a poorer outcome regardless of socio-economic position, and that women get charged more for the same length hospital stay with the same treatment? No? I didn’t either, until I did this research) is only really background to the question – if indeed it’s usable at all.
So, my answer kind of repeatedly veers off at tangents. I just hope it’s ‘pass’ grade. I’m not convinced it is. But at least, if I fail, I can go and ask people the questions I should have and write a damn sight of a better essay.
Anyway, I should get back to it. I’d like to get it finished today so I can spend tomorrow resting and doing things for me, something I’ve done far too little of in the recent past.