Spontaneous fits of enthusiasm

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So this morning, I woke up at 5:30 which seems to have become the norm, annoyingly, and thought hell, I may as well get up and head to Toys ‘R’ Us, and see if they’ve got MadGab.

So I checked, and they opened at 8, so I mooched through my breakfast (the water tastes funny here today) and I flew out the door at 7:50, hopped in Rebecca and shot over to Cribbs. I had the odd experience of leading the pack on the way to the shops; a large line of cars appearing behind me as I hurtled toward the store.

I got there at 5 to 8, hung around, and the store opened…

…and I looked round…

…and there were no copies.

So I tried Argos. Nope, so I came home. I’m not *entirely* convinced it’s been released here. Not *entirely*. No. In fact, I’m fairly certain now that I’ve looked on line that it isn’t. I should’ve bought it while I was in Alaska.

So… having decided that I’m going to have to order it online… it’s sold out. Soldy soldy out. All sold out. Gah! So, um, anyone in the states fancy buying me it and I’ll send you back the money? Or send you something from the UK? Pllleeeeeaaasssseeee?


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.