Spick and Span

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Tidying is never awesome fun; and the enormous job I’ve set myself is, quite honestly a little overwhelming; but it’ll be nice for me to have some sense of order in the house; and it’d be nice to be able to welcome Kathryn to her new home with it being in some sense vaguely clean and also faintly tidy. It’ll never hit staggeringly neat, not with limited storage, and huge amounts of renovation works going on; but there’s a lot of potential for tidying it to a greater extent than it’s at now.

So; with that in mind, this weekend begins something akin to Tidy Quest; whilst I’m sure I’ll meet almost none of my targets, I at least hope that the house will be clean. Indeed, shall we examine what I wanted to achieve, and what I expect to?

– Finish CD organisation.
– Unpack Kathryn’s books.
– Remove centre shelf from cupboard, allowing Kathryn’s light to stand on lower shelf.
– Sort my clothes and clear drawers full of crud.
– Unpack Kathryn’s clothes.

– Sort & file paperwork. Write missing letter to NIContribs.
– Continue work on bathroom (not in order): Mount wood for cistern, Fix sink to wall, Fix toilet to floor, Paint*, Clean floor of excess grout, Commence tiling*, Finish waste water plumbing, Paint bath feet, Fit shower*, Fit bath*, Fit cistern*, Trim base of door and refit*, Sort out lighting for shower*.

Well, the three in the middle in italics I shall achieve, the bathroom, well, I may manage the two in italics; if I’m lucky. I’d go and check if the whatsitsface – part – had arrived, but I’m tied to the house at the moment, waiting for the garage to collect Brick.

What I shall do though is start sorting through the paperwork that is classed as rubbish – so I can work out which can go straight in the recycling and which is confidential and needs to be shredded…. And I may start on the clothes issue. :)


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.