Well, that’s been a while.

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It’s not that I’ve not been up to stuff. We went on holiday to the UK to see my mum (it was a wonderful but exhausting trip – my mum planned stuff for every day we were together which was…intense. But a lot of fun to see her having so much fun. In the list of things I’ve recently discovered that are terrifying: canoeing on ‘white water’ with your 80+ year old mother in another canoe. In things that are fun: Watching her face when the guy driving the motorboat on the sea tour starts doing fast turns. It’s apparently where I get my love of going fast from.)

On that trip I got to see one of my oldest friend’s book-launch and listened to her reading and talking about it. It was *amazing*. I can’t express how cool that was.

I also got to see another of my oldest friends.

I stripped my bass guitar down. And I’ve been playing the loaner bass and singing and also running further (I do 2 miles on the regular now, and sometimes I do more).

We’ve had a water leak at the house, because fucking American plumbing and…yeah. That’s still needing to be fixed. Turning off the water to the toilet seems to have stopped it getting worse, but we’re going to have to take the toilet out. And it looks like the toilet is faulty.

And we’ve got new chickens.

I’ve made a new group of friends who are awesome and cool.

I’ve written most of another book.

I’ve spent some time beta reading another friend’s book.

I got a Calvin Klein LBD altered so it fits now, and I’ve got the cutest red dress and heels. Just need some time to wear it.

So yeah, it’s not like I’ve not been busy. I’ve been rambling on Mastodon and Bluesky and Discord. And I’ve been working for TE.

Oh, and obviously I had more (very minor) surgery – I had the lipoma that’s been causing me pain in my upper arm, removed.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about things – y’know. Dealing with the undealt with stuff that I’d kind of ignored for most of my adult life. The fall out from having an abusive ex which has affected a bunch of things about the way I perceive myself and present myself in the world.

Sometimes I’ve thought about writing something here about it, and maybe I will. But mostly I’ve been exhausting my writing on writing fiction.

Anyhow. That’s kinda it.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.