Progress continues almost apace. At the weekend our lovely family and friends turned up to help us turn the house green. With the change in the weather we were really keen to get at least one coat of the exterior paint on those t1-11 rainscreen sheets of plywood. And after a frantic day of us applying making tape and paper, running to keep up with our crew of painters who, it turned out, were bloody quick, our house is green.
It turns out it’s a pretty limey green, somewhat brighter than either of us had expected, and perhaps more 1970s then we’d expected.
Which is period appropriate. Done moments I really like it, others I’m a bit unsure about it. But whatever it is, it’s up, and doing its job. Yesterday I went and picked up the final two sheets of plywood for the front. These are the ‘tricky’ ones which are meant to be cut, to some extent, to fit around the cedar trim. We are simplifying this, we think, given the struggle to get accurate positioning of the boards.
Given the multiway variability of the many interacting things… (The roof line, the foundation height, the wall height, the thickness of the various bits of cedar…), our original plan looks a little like utter insanity. So we’re trying to work out exactly what we’re doing on that front…
But our main project has been the installation of vast amounts of insulation.
We’re nearly, but not quite done with the world of itchiness. Then we can call for another inspection… And then, drywall!