Aaaand stop.

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Yeah, the house is on hold again. Waiting for a life-span guarantee on the roof. Apparently the mortgage company want a certificate that says it’ll last another 5 years. This is irritating, because we plan to pull the roof off anyhow. Regardless of whether we do the small-renovation of the inside, or the big project, the roof is on our list – but the thing is, we haven’t yet decided which way we’re going to jump.

So if we have to make that decision now, it may mean that we dump our plan to do a fairly wideranging reno, with significant structural mods, because having to put a roof on the place before we start would kinda stimie that. I don’t think either of us is up for paying for two roofs.

Still, to focus on good things, I spend this morning chilling with a friend in a park and watching the partial eclipse. Being disorganized and cheap I made myself a pin-hole viewer – unlike the idiot in the white house who, with his whole antiscience bent, decided to just stare at the damn sun. I’m kind of assuming the moment afterwards looked something like this:

Anyhow, the pinhole viewer actually worked remarkably well. Also, Sarah let me borrow her glasses so I ended up getting a pretty good view of it. While at 93% here it was cool, it wasn’t totality which I’ve seen once before and which is a different level of odd (although I didn’t really appreciate the oddness at the time).

As we wandered back we experienced a rather cool effect:


It seems, the leaves create a pseudo-pinhole effect, allowing the crescent of visible sun to be projected onto the ground.

In other news, I’ve bitten my lip. This has always been slightly problematic, in that I tend to promptly get an ulcer afterwards – but that wasn’t much of an issue, but about a year and a half ago I got some kind of infection after biting my lip, and then promptly felt utterly shit for a week. I’m feeling the same after this one, and it’s looking red and swollen again. This time I have health coverage, though, so I might need to visit a walk in center.

Last time, with no health coverage, I got to experience the joy of the US healthcare system, where I stayed at home and rode it out, drinking plenty, rinsing my mouth with salt and hoping my immune system could kill whatever it was. Thankfully, tomorrow I can’t go out anyhow, because we’ve got a package being delivered (with the standard, helpful FedEx / UPS delivery estimate of “tomorrow”), so I have an enforced rest day. Although I’ve spent much of today lying on the couch (having done the food shop), and reading the For Pros By Pros wiring book.

Still, there may be one trip out tomorrow. I’m suspecting the package is the tyres for the Rav (which have gained another nail, a super expensive nail this time, because it’s just in the sidewall).

Ah well.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.