If you are trying to find dirt on Trump to try to reveal him for the horrible person that he is, focus most of your energy on Pence. Removing Trump will only lead pence to take more power, which is far more scary because he is far more in lockstep with his congress and will work with them much easier than Trump ever would. If we could find some way to discredit Pence so much that it woudl force him to resign that would be ideal, because not only would Trump weaker, it would also force him and his congress to waste time selecting a new VP rather than passing horrible laws. The goal of the next 2-4 years is to waste the GOP’s time long enough for the Democrats to get back into power.
But if you find Dirt on Trump, try to make it before December 19th, its unlikely but might as well take a shot.
The Nixon Strategy for you youngins. Force the VP (Agnew) to resign and replaced him with Speaker Ford who was quite innocuous. Then threatened to impeach the Pres, who in this case resigned, and was pardoned by new Prez and business moved forward. Main problem is if Ryan hangs on to Speaker, if he would be a safer president than Trump.
Attention anti Trump Hackers, Whistleblowers, and Reporters of all stripes
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