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Sometimes I like to think of myself as a Reasonable Adult who makes Reasonable Adult Decisions.

And then sometimes Amazon marketing figures out that I’m pretending


Adulting powers activate (I’m a little concerned about the Minions box)


Taste test result: Odinforce is far more fragrant and flavorful, though both are amazingly smooth for oral caffeine delivery systems. This is legitimately tasty coffee. I rarely take my coffee black because of the acidity, but these were surprisingly smooth (which is in line with a darker roast not necessarily meaning stronger coffee).

I wish they sold the whole roasted beans; I’d love to grind these up fresh. (THEY DO.)

Dad likes the more flavorful Odinforce best while I’m more partial to the smoother Death Wish, but I’m very pleased with both.

Overall, I’d marry this coffee, probably.

Update: I think I’ve made a minor logistical error. I think you’re not meant to drink a cup and a half of each in the space of 10 minutes.

…I think I’m starting to feel colors.

The gates of Valhalla are open. Witness me.
