Finally, I can inhale my drugs like all the cool kids.
(Doc says that whatever I had before, right now I have Post Crud Fake Asthma. So I’m getting not-quite-asthma meds until my lungs stop constricting for no freakin’ reason. And for some reason the inhaler needed designer colors).
The designer colours are awesome*, because when people come into the ER and you are discussing meds, and they’ve no fricking clue what inhalers they are on, you just ask what colours they are and lo…all is revealed. Unlike with tablets where they go “oh, I take a small green one at night and then a yellow one and a blue one in the morning…I think one of them is for my heart…our my blood pressure…or is it my cholesterol”
*Otoh, I understand that cannula colours are not standardised in the states, so it may be that inhalers aren’t as standardised either…