This is going to require more than just coffee.

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This is going to require more than just coffee.


I wanted to double check whether the washing machine was supposed to have it’s own circuit or not, and… the whole laundry room is supposed to be on a dedicated circuit.

My laundry room was on a shared circuits, and is now on two separate shared circuits. The wiring for that was signed off on……

Ack, that’s a spectacular pain in the ass. Any chance you can use the intercept-add-socket-and-reroute plan? (I suspect this is more difficult because iirc, you don’t use ring mains the way we do in the UK).

Or the ‘attach new wire to old one and use the old one to pull the new one through the wall taking a slightly indirect route to wherever you need it to be’ system? My dad used to do that to sneak new wires in…

Either way, more cake and more coffee are called for…