So we got back yesterday after a very nice wedding at which we met lots of new, nice people, and worked our socialising abilities to the max. Neither Kathryn nor I seem terribly big on socialising, and find it pretty hard going, so after the wedding/reception/next day BBQ we were both completely people’d out.
I very much don’t want to sound ungrateful. I am honoured to have been invited, and it was a pleasure to be there and witness the ceremony, but it reminded me that outside of work, when I don’t have my work-head on, I find peopling pretty damn hard. I don’t have great social skills so trying to maintain small-talk conversations with people I don’t know is quite a challenge.
Anyhow, so we got back, and today I’m totally in the malaise category of behaviour today. I had vaguely thought about changing the ignition unit in the Austin, but then realised that it wants me to set the timing with the engine running at 1000 rpm. Whilst I have a strobe, mine doesn’t also give me the RPM, sadly (I’ve seen one that does, it ain’t mine). I’ve therefore popped in an order for a 10 quid ebay special laser tachometer*. But that does mean that I can’t do that today.
I also took my Disclosure and Barring Service (Criminal Records check) to the nursing agency – a quick way to test out the new exhaust I felt, but forgot to take along proof of ID. So I’ll need to send that to them, too. Gah. I mean, the point of the journey was to test the exhaust, so I did achieve that, but could have done with having succeeded in the secondary point.
I’ve also realised that my cunning plan to do 3 shifts this week has failed because I’ve managed to arrange a variety of other things that need doing too. All of these things, and a headache, are conspiring to not put me in the best of moods. But never mind.
I have written a little one-year piece for Transport Evolved…
Anyhow, I should stop whinging and get off my arse. P’raps go and switch the steering wheel for something more traditional.
* Another tool who’s function will probably diminish rapidly when we get the minor converted.