We’re in the comment period for the new FCC regulations which destroy Internet network neutrality. This may seem like an esoteric issue to you, but it’s not. It’s a core infrastructure question: whether you have to pay more to actually get your network traffic delivered. If you’re completely unfamiliar, here’s John Oliver talking about it in a funny but accurate way.
Gizmodo has step-by-step instructions on how to use the FCC’s comment form. I’ve filed my comment/complate; go file yours, even if it’s really short. There’s enough money on both sides of this that we have that little window of opportunity where public commentary can just maybe matter.
Is that cynical? No, it’s realistic. Take advantage of these opportunities when they appear. And go file that comment.
Mirrored from Crime and the Blog of Evil. Come check out our music!
Reminding everybody that ALL THIS STILL APPLIES AND THE COMMENT PERIOD IS STILL OPEN. If you didn’t do this, go do it.
In a purely selfish way, I would like to live in the US soon, so please don’t let them break the internet there… go comment :)