Who is the most amazing woman who ever lived.
I am looking for the female equivalent to Tycho Brahe, someone who’s life was full of both achievement and adventure. A woman who has a list of great deeds (such as discovering a supernova) and…I’m not done reading the list of amazing women people have contributed, but it is such a great – and IMPORTANT – thread that everyone should read.
Historical women! Women scientists! Women leaders! Women of color! Women with disabilities! Women fighting in wars and kicking butts and taking names and saving lives and freeing themselves and others and making music and taking lovers and taking care of children and spearheading revolutions and living to old age or dying for their causes (????)
And also, keep that link so that every time you stumble upon one of those douchecanoes saying “what have women ever done??”, link them to it and just RUB THEIR FACES IN IT UNTIL THEY BLEED
I feel like this is a good moment to point out my wife’s AWESOME blog Matriline which is fantastic and brilliant and about historical women. It’s really aimed at families / kids, but go lookies.