The Desired Effect

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So my earlier post had the desired effect and got me off my butt.

Today I:

– Pruned the raspberries, and had a bit of a tidy of that bed.
– Finally ‘dug up’ the potatoes (emptied out the large pot). I can’t say it was a raging success (because it wasn’t), but I can say that we have some yummy looking pots.
– I planed the door. It doesn’t fit, but it’s so damn close. The house being the insane unsquare object it is (which delights me much of the time, but is also quite frustrating), the door frame is a full 2cm narrower at the bottom than it is at the top. There’s only so much you can do to hide that. And despite a full shopping bag worth of shavings from my planing, it’s still a couple of mil out. I’d’ve finished it but my arms are completely knackered and I needed to stop to cook dinner. Irritatingly, the amount of time it took to plane was fine, I could have got it done, but letting in the hinge into the door takes me a bit longer. Although I can proudly say I did the whole job properly; or at least, I will have. I got my chisel out, I got my plane out and I did the whole job carefully and surprisingly slowly. I even stopped rather than rushing to try and complete the job, which I’m quite proud of.
– I also did the dishes, loaded the dishwasher, and hoovered up after myself.

Go me.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.