So, at some point soon I’m hoping to take this whoooole site down (not LJ, obvs. My vanity domain), do some tinkerings, and pop it up new, fresh and shiny. Well, that may be over stating things. But a fresh install of WP, hopefully with multiple site support working because the highly cludgy multiple instances of WordPress solution that I’ve been using does not make me happy.
The main reason for this, though, is that I am wanting to put in place a blog for the Minor’s EV conversion. Hopefully it’ll hold links-to-videos and progress reports, and so on.
It’s pretty rare that I do this. The last time was in 2004, the old site before I really made the switch to using WordPress still lurks in the background* (visit it before it’s gone). Before that it would have been a couple of years. I used to be more of a web design junkie, but as we moved away from straight HTML I stopped keeping up.
CSS is something I’m not familiar enough with to design sites at the moment…
Anyhow. There may be outage, just so you know. I’m sure you’ll all be able to cope though.
* I still rate that design. I know the technology has moved on vastly, but I still think that it was a neatly simple layout. And incredibly a piece of my design that hasn’t aged terribly. IMHO.