Just a brief desire

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So, while we were at my mum’s we went down to a second hand / house clearance place in Cornwall (also to the Eden project, so I’ll post some pics from there soon). There were a few things there we were interested in, a nice mini chesterfield sofa*, a mangle**, a nice office chair for Kathryn***, a desk****, a few gramophone records of interest (including some 50’s R&B, apparently, although I’ve not yet listened to it).

And something of interest to me. Just to me. My mum and Kathryn were firmly in the ‘no’ camp, but I was fawning over it.

Whilst I knew we have no-where to put it, and it’s a pointless silly thing to buy… It’s a 1950’s TV set. Much like this one:

RCA Red TV from the 1950s

I have no use for it (apart, perhaps, from watching Dr Who), but still. I wantyed.

Managed to resist though…

* way too pricey for us
** to use as an Intaglio printing press, also overpriced.
*** see *
**** not overpriced, but we have no-where to put it. It was a gorgeous roll top affair


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.