Wild stabbing in the dark

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So, I’ve completed the wild stabbing in the dark that is my ‘blog’ component of this module. I’m not very happy with it, because whereas last time I sort of managed to shoe-horn in a literature review of sorts, this one had 8 questions (well, 8 questions, but one had 3 sub parts) which, realistically, I can’t be expected to do 8 literature reviews for (not in 4 weeks).

Not only that but it had ‘Describe’ questions. Describe isn’t masters level thinking. Evaluate, explore, examine? All of them I can do. Describe, though? Well it’s just describing innit. I can describe it and vaguely compare it to other things, but it doesn’t feel very…well, it doesn’t feel enough.

I’ve done it though, and got some positive remarks on some of the postings. I’ll probably poke at it a little tomorrow – with the space of an evening off to allow it to mull in my head (like wine).

Next week, the next section starts, and assuming that I’m well enough I’m planning to get back to doing the house. It’s been quite upsetting having time off and being relegated to the couch. Apart from the fact my back is really not very impressed with me sitting on the sofa and-or bed all day and night, and the rest of me is yearning for outsideyness, the kitchen is so close. So close. I can taste it.

Also, we are having our splash-out piece of artwork delivered in January (I hope) which means that ideally, we should have finished painting the bit of the house in which it’s supposed to hang by then. Also handy, since we have picture rails, would be a picture rail hanging system – not least because we’d quite like some of our paintings and pictures up and hanging on our somewhat blank walls.

So, let’s get one thing straight, I’d like to be well so that I can:
– Put the skirting (baseboard) on the walls in the kitchen and hall.
– Put the picture rail up where it’s missing in the kitchen.
– Touch up the paint.
– Seal the sink and replace the drainer on our kitchen sink with one that has an overflow.
– Level the sink with the worksurface.
– Repoint and paint the grotty bit of wall.
– Hang the painting.

Then, in a change to advertised plan (which was, I think, Kathryn’s office and the Bathroom then the stairs)
– Sand the last few bits of filler in the stairwell that need sanding.
– Drill the holes to mount the phone downstairs (we have an A-B Payphone (sadly without the nice chrome bits for the free police calls) which needs installing).
– Paint the right hand wall and all of upstairs
– Reattach the heater downstairs (because it’s bloody cold and our heating is struggling without it – this job may get done out of sync).
– Strip off the last bit of the other wall downstairs, fill and paint.
– Paint that and the downstairs ceiling.

…then it’s just Kathryn’s office (strip, fill, paint), the bathroom (strip, fill, paint, install shower and shower curtain, lift floor and replace then tile), and my desk that need doing. Oh, and the bookshelves. Uh. I think that’s it. Oh, and painting the inside of the garage which has gone distressingly furry (untreated ply on the internal walls). And sorting the garage which is, it must be said, a hideous disaster area.

Yeah, so not much.

But some of that? Some of that before January.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.