So, just a quick Xmas update. We had a lovely, if strangely tiring Xmas. Spent a very chilled out day eating pancakes*, opening presents in front of the fire** and eating rich foods. We have a vast amount of very tasty eggnog left over, and quite the best presents in the world. Indeed, I have a Tetris cushion (made by Kathryn) for the car to replace the scabby old pound shop filling-only cushion I’ve been using. And some quite lovely presents from Kathryn’s mom. Indeed, between Kathryn’s mom and my mum I now have actual smart casual clothing which I’m very tempted to wear :)
Anyway, I must make uni work happen (since I unilaterally*** took Xmas Eve off).
* Post to come with actual recipe. Yes, we’re branching out!
** Love the fire!
*** Heh. Oh, okay, it amuses me.