More house updates

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So, there’s a few quick things to say on the update front. Oh, before I do, thank you all for your lovely comments… I shall continue updating on the house then :)

Anyhow, this is the garage at the moment:

90 more tiles and it's done!

Irritatingly, it’s 90 tiles short of completion. I’m thinking of going down to Rose Green to get them, as the difference in price between Rose Green and The Glens (with their slow delivery, 20 broken tiles, blaming me for it not arriving on time because my payment – sent less than an hour by instant transfer from ordering – was ‘too slow to allow us to ship it on that day) is pretty small. Indeed, if they’ll price match, then it’ll be fine. However, given that Rose Green managed to slip 3 faulty tiles into the batch of 50, I’ll be looking a bit more carefully :(

The plasterer’s due tomorrow and so we’ve been frantically clearing the upstairs.

The front room went from this:
Sugar soaping and then PAINTING! SQUEE!

to this:

Temporary Civilisation

It needs, I think, three more coats of paint, but we’re going to occupy it with our bed for a month. Hopefully we’ll be able to work around the bed and paint it anyhow.

The kitchen looks like this:

The temporary kitchen, hopefully...

Which is awkward because the carpenter/joiner/person wants to come around and test out the templates for the new kitchen. We’ll work something out, but I need to talk to Kathryn about it…

Unfortunately, this:


Has put a bit of a crimp in my plan, so I’m going to have to pop out to B&Q and pick up a replacement.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.