So, last night was one of those rare nights where I actually did my job. By which I mean, I looked after truly sick people who needed to be in hospital, and who I gave to the best of my abilities adequate care. I looked after someone who would have died in the immediate future* without our intervention. I did my job and y’know what, it felt damn good.
However, after a solid night of sickies, I am now shattered. My head’s faintly swimmy, and my mind is floating around in that absent way in which my mind floats about. I had faint plans for today, but it’s taken me nearly 2 hours to work up to eating breakfast (“the kitchen is far away”, “the house is cold”, “if I get up I should get a jumper”). Eventually breakfast was actually spurred by the plasma TV capacitor decision. The Plasma TV has, as was mentioned yesterday, some dubious looking capacitors. Two of them, in fact, on the Y-Sus board. However, when I was taking it to bits I recalled that the X-Sus board had, I thought, 3 very similar looking and similarly bulgy capacitors. I did not, however, extract the X-Sus board because; well; frankly because I didn’t worry too much about replacing them. I know the need replacing, but… well.
Only when I was poking the internizzle with my internizzle-poking-stick, attempting to locate a 330µF, 250V, 105°C capacitor (as opposed to the many 85°C ones which I did find, and which were much cheaper) did I reach this realisation. I could get a pack of 5 of the 330µF, 250V, 105°C ones from ebay for 8 of your Earth quid. Now while these are probably of a similarly explodey nature to the ones already in our high quality plasma screen, they cost much less than the RS Components £18 plus £5 shipping plus VAT option. Especially when it’s quite likely that the FMSD102A module (whatever it does) is dead too. I don’t really want to spend too much fixing it, especially as my electronics skill level is kind of down here (waves hand near floor) and this sort of tech is somewhere up there (indicates non-planet-Pluto).
Anyhow; so I was contemplating this dilemma, and considering the fact that I really should have written down what the sickly caps on the X-Sus board were, when I realised that I really (a) should have some breakfast and (b) if I looked inside the TV I might be able to see the relevant board and by extension, the relevant components.
In the end I had to fetch a torch (but that’s still easier than lifting the ginormovision off it’s hooks, laying it on the carprpet and removing the 875 screws that hold the back panel on, and then taking the board out. After some peering at it I came to the conclusion that it is, in fact, sporting 3 of the ‘explododome’ capacitors, which will be excilled to the recycling when the new ones arrive… from Hong Kong.
That, however, has filled the happy time between me logging on to my course and finding that it said ‘Not Yet Available’ to now, when it’s cheerfully lists the course info. Which I’m sure is better when the words aren’t all dancing with each other (mostly rhumbas) and interchanging letters in a disconcertingly swinging-party way…
* By which I mean without our intervention in another 10-15 minutes this person’s heart would no longer have been able to beat. As it is, this person was chatting away when we left. That’s *PRETTY DAMN SPIFFY*.