So, I missed last night’s debate – I’ve got rather a lot of work to do before Tuesday Wednesday – so I need to read and understand a manual which is more than a tiny bit complex. Especially since a big chunk of it is skills taught to doctors, and not to nurses, and I need to use those skills (which I am struggling to rapidly equip myself with), to do the course.
But even had I have listened to last night’s election stuff it wouldn’t matter, because I can’t vote for who I want, because there’s no one from the Lib Dems, or better still the greens standing here. I’ve got UKIP, An Independent candidate who doesn’t know about the internet, because he appears no where on it (apart from a few newspaper articles stating he’s independent), and Labour / Conservative.
I miss my university’s voting system which had ReOpen Nominations (vote RON!) – because I don’t want any of the useless shites representing me. The best thing I can say about the labour candidate is that he didn’t vote for the digital economy bill. But I can say that because he didn’t vote at all. I’m so pissed off about it I’m torn, I quite want to deliberately spoil my ballot because I’m so frustrated at the idea of the pathetic selection being all I’ve got, but equally I really don’t want to see a conservative government.
I need to post back my ballot today, so I’ll sit here stewing on the crappy selection of candidates while I study. Kathryn and I were discussing the whole issue a while back, while we travelled down to Bristol, I think. We came to the conclusion that we should probably be doing more – in terms of joining political groups which support that which we support – although finding one that actually supports the things that I / we want, politically, is probably hard.
I, of course, think that the people of the UK should just make me your benevolent dictator, but hey.