How to feel properly unwell:
1) Don’t get off the sofa
2) Place bin nearby for tissues
3) Suck down great quantities of tea
4) Watch TV and surf the net all day
5) When going to bed prop yourself up with as many pillows as you can lay your hands on
6) Be kept awake for a large chunk of the night by a fox(?) waling intermittently (WTF?!)
I’m now, and I think this falls within the definition of resting, going to go and poke through my records to see if I can find a title track for dead bug jumping, since I can’t record the fricking show because I sound like my head is filled with a giant goo ball.
I did have a title track in mind – a gramophone – but I’ve listened to it and it didn’t grab me the way I wanted, so now I’m off to hunt for something else. Nikki reckons I should make something, but she’s assuming a degree of musical talent I’m not convinced I had – although my dinking with Garageband did produce something akin to music.
The unfortunate thing about lurking on the sofa is I’m wont to look at e-bay and then I find…things. The worst thing is a copy of ‘cocktails for two‘ which I’d really like, but is in a batch of 122 78s. I don’t need another 122 78s, especially as some are definately duplicates. Bah.