So, having spent all of yesterday working through different OS X installs for the Hackintosh:
10.4.10 – Works, but needs nVidia drivers
10.5.1 – Installs almost completely, then crashes, then kernel panics on reboot
10.5.6 iPC – Crashes before installer
10.5.6 iDeneb – Crashes before installer
I decided to try a different tack and went hunting for old versions of iTunes which are actually on Apple’s site*. Having removed the new version of iTunes, and dumped 8.0 back on there; and also removed the dead DVD-+-RW the machine is now happy again**. I’ve also disconnected one of the case fans, since it appeared to be overkill, extracted some of the layer of dust from the processor fan, and grumbed that perhaps the Sempron/Abit NV8 – both of which are 6 years old – are starting to be a bit limiting. I, for reasons that escape me, thought it was an Athlon 64 in there. It’s not, it’s a Sempron 2800+.
Still, I can’t afford to replace it at the moment – and even if I could, I’m not sure if I want to just before going to Canada – am largely of the opinion that I’d be better off packaging the HDDs properly, and heading off to Canada with just the disk :)
Anyhow, I need to take a wander into town to collect some bits and bobs, and perhaps take a look at the ‘zed, and also seal some floor tiles :)
* Apologies to Apple.
** For values of ‘happy’ related to being a 6 year old hackintosh being forced into use most days.