The weekend has arrived

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And with it rain. Lots and lots of rain. Lots and lots and lots.

I’ve been intending to work on the cars this weekend, had heard (vaguely) that the forecast wasn’t great, but had hoped that it’d be dry enough for me to do some work. It is raining and raining and raining, and the forecast is for more of the same.

Much more.

Fortunately, the long term forecast for after the week of nights looks positive. I may have to spend an entire week working on the cars to get them roadworthy again. Vixy may be running so badly because of the exhaust problems, apparently. With no easy way to repair the rusting shell of an exhaust, she’ll have to wait until the replacement arrives. The two front sections continue to wait on the very nice bloke who’s got them having a chance to get a shipping quote for them, the wheels for Jejy and something else (I forget what). The weather also means that Vixy’s door is going to sit in the shed, unpainted, for a while longer.

And means that Jejy’s going to continue to leak for a week longer. I was hoping to do a quick run round both front and rear windows with mastic, but that’s now off the cards until the weather’s dried out the seals again. It looks like that week is going to be absolutely packed with vehicular entertainment.

Stressing me out though is that this week I need to drive and Jejy isn’t going anywhere, and Vixy is not the keenest to start at the moment. I hope that I can get this all sorted. I’m trying to be positive about it; which is a bit of a challenge, considering I’ve gone from 3 running vehicles (and one off the road just because of parts) to one running vehicle, which to be honest isn’t running very well.


Oh, and to round off the list of near-disasters; it appears I forgot to pay April’s council tax. I got a letter at the beginning of may saying ‘oi, you’ve not paid it’, but ignored that thinking it referred to the council tax I’d just paid. They obviously don’t bother with sending you a second letter.

So now we have to pay the tax for the entire year (bother) immediately, either that or I can stand up in court and go “uh, I’m an idiot and didn’t actually read the letter properly”. I hate paying the council in some ways, mostly because while the recycling scheme locally is much better than it was it’s not really ‘good’ as such. They only take plastic that’s ‘bottle shaped’; they only take tetrapak cartons if you carry them yourself to Tesco. All our waste now, pretty much, consists of stuff with recycling symbols on and text proclaiming ‘most councils collect this’; ours not coming under most. And Slough’s policy of destroying anything remotely interesting or historic and replacing it with the most unexciting and bland architecture makes the place as utterly soulless as you can imagine.

I was chatting, at work, with someone else who lives in Slough and we agreed that the best thing that could happen is for all of the denizens of Slough (literally, all of them) to move out. Move anywhere. Away. And then to let the place be reclaimed by nature (potentially after a brief fit of bulldozing). Perhaps there should be some kind of resettlement scheme where people from Slough are located in bohemian and indie neigbourhoods; thus enabling them to reestablish contact with culture and beauty and all the things Slough’s missing.

Anyhow, I need to look and see if the weather’s improved enough for me to look at Jejy and see if I can work out why she’s suddenly running like crap.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.