Juicy Tasty Defeat

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So, having discussed a variety of options for getting the piston rings compressed it came down to ‘you need a ring compressor’. Since the ring compressor I’ve ordered from e-bay is the same as the one I bought it’ll be going back on e-bay as soon as it arrives. I’ve ordered the correct ring compressor now (it’s a splitable ring compressor) and will have another go as soon as that arrives.

Which left me in the challenging situation of, well, not having a car.

Or a bike.

Yet again I’m down to renting – I’ve reserved a car – so I can literally take back the van in the morning and come back with a rental car. :-/

Nikki commented on the fact that at the moment I don’t appear to have a reliable car between the three of ’em; somewhat distressing though it is, and true though it is, I hope to remedy the situation; in so far as I’ve arranged for Rebecca to go back to JLH and have much more work done. New king pins, trunnions, new gearbox, new, new, new. Anyone for a philosopher’s axe?

She’s currently languishing outside the house, and the DAF is stuck on ramps. I’m praying – with all my heart – that once the engine’s sorted we can get a bit of peace and quiet on the DAF front – although talking to Matt yesterday didn’t give me great hope.

I still need to source a new accelerator cable for Jejy – and I need to package up and send off the shoes for Vixy (can do that on Monday too)… Anyhow, today is; instead of previously planned engine and DAF work, cleaning the house.

Fear the whining next week as I have to drive a modern car.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.