Worrying: We’re going to Ireland for Kathryn’s birthday (and as an anniversary present). The passports aren’t back from the Home Office yet. Having rung them, and listened to their message, and checked the website, they won’t give you any further information about a query until 70 working days (‘we aim to process 90% of applications in 70 working days’).
We’re at just over 50.
Those of you who know when my birthday is, and when Kathryn’s is, will know that there’s not a *huge* amount of time ’til we go on holiday. Reports from a forum on immigration suggest that at 70 working days they’re unlikely to be able to tell you a great deal more about your application than it’s “in progress”.
Asking for your passports back is, apparently == I’d like to withdraw our application. I’m not deeply concerned, yet. Hopefully we’ll fall within the 90%. Neither of us are interesting in an immigration sense, I would have thought. I’m gainfully employed as is Kathryn. We don’t claim any benefits, we pay our bills and taxes…
But still. One can’t help but be a little nervous. Can you still travel to Ireland on a Driving Licence?