So, yesterday, while being chilly it didn’t feel icy cold; today IÂ had to wipe the windows on the car before moving and it felt pretty darn nippy getting into ‘becca. The house, if you leave doors open has that cold-cold feeling, and I’ve actually turned the heating on (although this is no-doubt assisted by the fact there’s a 1100mm wide hole in the rear wall which is ‘boarded up’ using the cunning technique of sticking 4 nails in a board loosely applied over the apparture.
I love having builders in…
So, today is serious ATNCÂ day. I’m up, I’ve given up on the hoped for early arrival of the builders and after about 10 minutes of wandering around the house hunting for the old ATNCÂ manual (they’re both the same, but the new one didn’t survive the post so well and hasn’t got my hand-scrawled notes in the margin). IÂ also have a pile of CDs next to me which need ripping (‘need’, is perhaps more accurate). We, on our trip to the states got:
Radiohead – In Rainbows
The Zincs – black pompadour
The Linn Youki Project – (hash*)01
Sub Debs – She’s So Control
Folk Impolosion
The Duhks – Fast Paced World
Blinker The Star -Â Bluish Boy (free single)
Graham Coxon – The Golden DÂ (free single)
Joal Rush – Imagination (free EP)
spinART’s bundle of joy (free promo album from spinARTÂ records)
Jean Claude NAIMROÂ – Digital Dread
The Pierces – Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge
Regina Spektor – Soviet Kitsch
Sonya Heller – Fourth Floor
Ramona the Pest – Little Knives
I’ve also still got my copy of Seanan McGuire’s Stars Fall Home to rip (because my Hackintosh was having a sulk about CD Ripping, and the Shiny Mac’s CD-Rom’s finicky; but hopefully with Max we seem to actually be having some luck. I’ll see though, when IÂ actually listen to the first CDÂ Rip of the day :) ).
The irony is, the idea was it’d be easier for me to listen to my music once ripped, ‘cos IÂ can listen ‘anywhere in the house’ to ‘any cd’. Only, since the 10.4 mac and the 10.5 mac don’t like talking all the time, and the linux PCÂ I’ve not sorted out networking on, and frankly, the Music ‘n’ video (10.4)Â mac is louder than I’d like – but the network’s not quick enough to stream video over (actually, it might be now…but at any rate I’ve not got a silent machine to put in the lounge to be the video / music player) – so actually IÂ end up not listening to as much as I’d like. IÂ rather liked the dinky shuttle PC with it’s touch screen – that’d be ideal because then I wouldn’t have to turn the TV on to select a track, which is more hastle than going to the CD box and getting the darn CDÂ out :)
Never mind.
Anywhy, it’s time for me to set to and work (now I’ve found my ATNC manual) and learning shall be afoot. Incidentally, if anyone’s got about a spare 12-14 hours, I could do with them. I need to service the DAF and am running out of occasions when it might actually be (a) warm (b) dry (c) in time to do it. It may have to get done next weekend before nights, just so it’s *done*.
*Now, the problem with using an old PCÂ keyboard on a mac is not knowing where some of the keys are, in this case, where the hell have they put the hash (aka pound) symbol?