So, with the exception of a few days of shifting, I’ve got the next two weeks off, and you can safely assume that whatever my intentions I will end up updating this journal – probably more than once a day on more than one day. Today you get the added benefit of deranged ramblings from my 20 (so far) hours of awakeness. It’s funny, apart from my stomach feeling rather grumpy I’m actually feeling pretty together. Leave me anywhere long enough and I’ll probably fall asleep; but so long as I keep myself at least faintly entertained my brain’s working really shockingly well. At least I think it is. It’s hard to say. I don’t expect things to get really hazy until around 9 or 10 this evening.
Anyhow, so I’ve made a start on the week’s work. The radiator in the lounge has had it’s joints tightened. Let’s go and look shall we? Bother; it looks like one end has stopped leaking, but I think the other end hasn’t. Irritatingly, this is the most expensive radiator in the house, and it looks like the pipework needs more PTFE tape. This would, obviously, be annoying. Not completely, insanely annoying. Just annoying. It’d mean draining that one radiator, undoing the joint and re-wrapping it in PTFE before reassembling. Ironically, the 1940s/50s bathroom radiator seems to be okay. Ah, plumbing, what fun.
I’ve also ‘ooped’ one lot (about four small bags) of rubble generated by demolishing a wall domestic waste and of course surrepticiously covered it up with one bag of rubbish from the kitchen. I’ve run the cardboard to the local recycling doojit, along with a couple of bags-worth of plastic bottles. I’ve also taken Brick down to the local Jetwash, and in a stunning act of dedication to the idea of getting the salt off the poor car sat there queuing for half an hour to use the sodding thing.
I may have upset them by using the ‘hot foam brush’ when it was neither hot, nor foamy, to remove shite from the car while using their cheapest wash cycle. I also topped up brick’s oil (first time in 3,000 miles) and coolant. It was nice just to get outside in the sun for a bit. I’m too tired to really appreciate it, but the feeling of sun on my skin, even though it was flipping cold, was just nice.
I also spent several minutes taking Macro shots of the Viva’s salt-covered state before washing ‘im (does that count as work?). I’ve rung the nursing agency I want to work with and need to check when Kathryn wants to holiday so as I can book an interview. It’s frustratingly far away…
I think I’ll have a break for a bit and then I may start reassembling the back bedroom, which is the one which suffered most from radiator leakages. Most of the contents of this room landed up in the main bedroom, and having had it there for a week both Kathryn and I feel that it’s disturbing the old-lady asthetic of the front room, and needs to go back to it’s home in the back bedroom (she may not have described it quite in those terms)…
Anyhow. Off I go to waste more time :)