So, I got lots done yesterday; I headed to B&Q early and en-route I found someone who’d demolished a wall; thereby sourcing a lot of bricks, possibly even enough to do the path. he was quite happy for me to grab them, along with an old brabantia-style bin – which is somewhat of an improvement on the grey plastic one with no lid we’ve been using. So, I turned round, headed home and took the car over to B&Q so I could get a wheelbarrow.
Having made about 4 or 5 wheelbarrow trips I’d got certainly the majority of the whole bricks. They, incidentally weighed quite a lot. Then I painted the woodwork upstairs which is prep for tiling that last few feet (probably 5 sq foot or so) and started work on the bathroom wall. Now, it started well, and I managed to get the majority of it down without incident. But there was one bitty little incident near the end. Hence the codeine.
In the process of removing the door-frame from the old bathroom I slipped applying pretty much all of the force I can muster to the act of smacking my hand against a thin sharp piece of plaster. I cut my hand, surprisingly perhaaps not enough to need stitches; but it’s the pain that’s a killer. Enough that I’ve been debating getting it X-rayed today. I’ve buddy/neighbour strapped my two fingers, and taken codeine+paracetamol (CoCodamol) and Ibrufen. I took that about half an hour ago. Having looked, I now am wondering if the knuckle is slightly depressed (all nurses are hypochondriacs), so I might get showered and head over to the hospital. That and I’d’ve expected some relief from the analgesia, not much (it’s a bit quick for that), but some. Arse.