Yeah, yeah, it’s coming.

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That 2k7 review; coming. I promise.

So I got an e-mail from Pandora Radio, I’ve not used it as much as I should’ve (in fact, I’d forgotten about it) prompting me to go look – again. And I’m reminded why I’d put it on my list to play with. It is, in fact, awesome. By giving it one recommendation it’s managed to play 2 songs by groups I’d never heard of which – if the examples played are anything like the rest of their stuff, well, I’d happily buy their album. And when I played with it a couple of days ago it played a bunch of stuff (again off one recommendation) which I happen to own but think is awesome.

I find the record industry increasingly short sighted and at times just outright bizzare. Cutting off Pandora outside the US seems, well, like cutting off your nose to spite your face. I’ve lied and given a US zipcode, as usual, but I’m not sure if they’ll be blocking accounts or blocking by ip. If it’s the latter, well, we’ll have to be a little more inventive to continue listening; if it’s the former, then hopefully the lie of the zipcode should be enough.


The world has been it’s usual self, and work has been incredibly busy. The basic fact seems to be that hospitals in the UK are not big enough. We simply cannot accomodate the number of patients we have in. I remember being on the wards and being pushed to discharge patients even though I felt it was too early. And you’d see them back a few days later because they weren’t able to cope at home. I’m not sure to what extent that’s going on up on the wards, but the beds patients are going in to are still warm from the previous patient.

And the department is barely functioning most evenings, as streams and streams of patients come in. People who need full and thorough assessment are lost in the melee, people are stressed and tired and each and every day I worry for my registration which, well, I don’t feel I’m doing my job properly. I do the most I can for each patient, but quite often that’s the minimum we can do to get them ‘treated’ and admitted. My documentation is almost non-existent; often consisting of minimal obs and signing for drugs. There just isn’t time to do anymore.

Anyway, so that’s my world


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.