Last night was without a doubt the worst shift I’ve worked in my life. By 3am I was physically and mentally exhausted. I know I can only do ‘so much’, but truly I felt like my nursing registration was going to be whipped away from me, I barely saw patients – they’d be lucky if they got more than one set of obs. We worked as a team, the entire department, trying to catch up with the ever changing mass of people.
I spent the night apologising to the nicer patients, and pacifying the less nice ones as the wait times got longer and longer. I transferred patients I’d never met… our radiologists came out from X-ray and started to take blood and cannulate for us, because we were short staffed and complete overwhelmed.
My legs still hurt.
I’m meant to be going to pick up the Mac today; and may go, but I feel completely wiped out. Even if I collect it I’m not sure I can get it into the house… :-/