I’ll be blogging this christmas…

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Well, okay… maybe just the once* (hell, I’m giving my neighbours a couple of days peace before I attack the walls and start making with the dust monster; I’ve done my ‘bit’ of DIY today – silicone sealed the last segment of the shower, and I’m off to work in a little under 2 hours).

Happy Christmas everyone! I’m relaxing by watching more Men In Trees**. How’re you spending it?

*Unless I decide to try and ruin Christmas for you all by describing my day at work when I get home. Stranger things have happened.

** Until right this second I’d not noticed how dubious that sounds. I’m watching the series Men In Trees, not actual men in trees, which’d be a little odd.


Kate's a human mostly built out of spite and overcoming transphobia-racism-and-other-bullshit. Although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, it's all good.