See, when I started doing venepuncture they gave me a book to do with ‘a few questions’. Only the few questions actually turn out to be all the questions in the world. At the time they gave it to me they said you don’t need to get them all done before you do the venepuncture training; only for when you’re ready to be assessed on venepuncture. I’ve actually done all the mandatory ones (at least, I have as far as the venepuncture side goes; I’m just faintly nosing at doing some of the optional ones.
I’ve also been loading up the new nipod; it has a few unfortunateisms; one of which is that it doesn’t draw power from the USB and the other of which is that it has to be plugged in when transferring data. Oh, and you have to use the database software to transfer stuff, if you want it to do playlists and such. Still, despite the software being clunky like woah, it seems to be working. I’ve been taking the opportunity to home rip some CDs which I originally downloaded. Yes, it’s true, I torrented the odd album, and guess what, now I’ve bought these ones because I liked them and am re-ripping them at the quality I like (ridiculously high).
In other news, the cut on my thumb looks vastly less impressive when not pouring blood. This isn’t an invitation for it to pour blood, but more a comment on the fact that I thought it was a bigger cut – but I guess it was mostly deep, not wide.
I’ve done no work at all today, as is commensurate with my plan; which is to not be so tired I want to die when doing my night shifts. My only ‘workoid’ type thing was discovering that the name of the ‘channel cutter’ which I’m sure I’ve heard it called before is actually a ‘chasing machine‘ (which is a far more fun, but less helpful name). I need this because whilst I obviously wouldn’t dream of rewiring the kitchen (it’s against the electrical regs), I do intend to recess wiring into the wall, because it’d be untidy to leave it hanging everywhere. I’ll even pop it in the proper plastic tubes; then there’ll be some plastering, and lo, we shall be sorted. But with a chasing machine that’ll take a weekend, rather than several weeks.
And in Viva related news the painfully expensive new Servo has arrived; sadly not in it’s original box (although packaged in much paper’n’stuff, and what looks like it was once the lid of the box); and also the new domain name is now mine. Due to a small technical foof (either on my part, or the part of the billing company) my hosting is not yet ready, but once it is world be prepared, for I have a plan of much evil.
So, that’s my world of boredom.