So, my calculations on the bath; wrong…
I’m not deeply upset, it’s more of a ‘how do I get around this’ issue. The cold water and hot water pipes are approximately 7mm out of line with the taps. However, with some wiggling I’d got the cold one close enough to do up – and made a discovery. I’ve not fitted the globe tap correctly – i.e. it leaks. So, I’m going to go and have a chat with the plumbing people – because quite honestly I’m not entirely sure how to make it seal. I suspect what I do is simply remove the doojit that’s there and put much more ptfe tape in the thread.
I’d prefer to get a nice rubber washer for the bath though, all that B&Q had were the thin pvc ones which didn’t seem right anyhow. I’m also wondering if, with a bit of care, I can squeeze a flexi-plumbing thing in there to get rid of that 7mm difference. It’s such an annoyingly small miscalculation, presumably because the bath (at the time I measured it) was propped on a bit of wood instead of it’s proper feet, and also I was trying to take account of the bathroom tiles, before they were laid. I should’ve checked it before putting all the woodwork around, really. Either that or made it a flexi pipe in the first place. But I don’t *like* flexi pipes, they’re not that neat.
Unfortunately there’s one other thing that was wrong, that I didn’t calculate, I just assumed would be fine. The bath drainer’s “shallow” drainer, it’s actually not shallow enough for our 1890s bath, and the bath is currently sat on it. Whoops. I’m going to have to look carefully at whether I remove a bit of tile or try and trim the bath plughole doojit. It’s again about 5mm of difficulty. Fooey.
So, I briefly turned the water on today, the sink doesn’t leak, the shower *now* doesn’t leak. I’m hoping the tiles in the shower have survived the veretable torrent which got sprayed on them when I turned it on…
Of course, it’s all by-the-by at the moment, because my mum’s decided to come and visit today instead of at the weekend. Which is fine and lovely, but less good in that she’s not getting as much time away from the house as she’d like – and I now need to spend the next hour cleaning. Ah well.