What to say?

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Well, I felt like I should do an update; in fact, I’ve been positively intending to do an update for several days now. The only problem is I don’t really know what to say…

I’ve been working, for the most part. Work continues to produce a strange bounty consisting of a mixture of really sick people who desperately need to be there, and after a day of work you come home and though you may be exhausted beyond words and tired beyond anything you can imagine, you know (vaguely and somewhere in your heart) that you helped people. And some days you just get endless dross; “I’ve stubbed my toe and it hurts”, and “i’ve had this niggley ache for 5 months and I saw the A&E sign and I thought, you know what, I should get that checked”.

I’ve actually been tempted to film a snarky ‘Do you really need to visit’ advert, in the vein of the old war time ‘do you need to travel’ posters. Of course, for every tale there is something which you need to watch out for. We had someone in who’d had moderate (not severe) chest pain for some time – and it appears they really were ill (to be fair, I assumed she actually was, she seemed sensible).

Today was not really a latter or a former day, but it wasn’t a very impressively doing things day. I kinda limped through my day at work, not achieving a great deal, indeed, disturbingly when I left the situation was much as it was when I arrived. Still, I tried my best.

Things in the house continue to be continuing. The bathroom now looks like a bathroom. White tiles adorn most of the walls, I can’t remember where I was at when I last posted; nor can I be bothered to check, but now there’s basically about a metre, and the entire of the shower stall to do. And that’s it. I’ll be done with tiling, until we do the kitchen. Of course; we’ll be tiling a lot less of the kitchen!

Kathryn’s drawn up some neat sketches for the back bedroom come office, which is cool. I must admit though, the two weeks off (approaching) are going to be much appreciated by me. I’m needing a break from work; my sympathy levels need restocking, and my patience is all but exhausted. But they’ll also be much appreciated for another reason. Hopefully (and I know I’ve said this many times), but really; hopefully we can get the central heating in. And the bathroom finished to the extent of actually having a proper shower. I ache so much and so often, and the idea of being able to come home and have a hot bath or a hot shower without having to wait hours, and without having to crouch. Lord it seems like such a luxury. I guess it *is* such a luxury.

Also, to have a reduced cost of heating would be really rather nice. Anyhow, there are pictures of the current state of play in the bathroom. They are, in fact, here. Complete with snarky comments and tags, as usual.

So, anyway, I promised a picture of us, and that is here:

I note that flickr have been Yahoo!’d , I’m not entirely happy about that; indeed, I’m debating whether to renew my pro account. For I love Flickr, but Yahoo just drive me fracking nuts. Every experience I’ve ever had with their techincal support has lead me to want to rip the cables out from all Yahoo’s connections to the internet and ban them from ever touching a computer of ever sort ever again. Yahoo messenger is awful, Yahoo groups ruined a great e-groups system and Yahoo’s search has remained awful since the very first day that they set it up. Oh, and they associated themselves with BT; and BT to me is the kiss of the dead. Inviting BT into your home is like having a Zombie come to stay. Sure, it’s a talking point, but the shambolic mess is going to piss you off eventually.

Anyhow, enough ranting. (Hah)

So I’m relaxing and spending my evening attempting to increase the ratio of working to not working computers. Currently it stands at 0:4 (None fully functional, 4 working to some extent). The Mac is going back to 10.4.6, which worked. 10.4.10 and 10.4.9 are determined that the network card doesn’t work. A frustrating problem. Of course, all this will likely be immaterial when the real-mac arrives, and this machine is relegated to being a video editor.

Technically it’s only firefox that doesn’t work on the laptop; but I daren’t fiddle, ‘cos the laptop’s the only machine that’s ‘working’ to any extent. Although the crack in the case continues to widen. And I can’t say I’ve got any great ideas for fixing it. But so long it works, fiddling with it is kinda out of the window.

At least the Mac is now network capable… :) Ra.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.